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Open Call for Artists for Od2020

28 July 2019

Od Arts Festival 2020: Alone With Everybody | 15-17 May 2020, Somerset

Od Arts Festival is a new contemporary arts festival in rural Somerset, led by Coker-based OSR Projects. The festival takes its name from the Od: a crooked stream that meanders through the neighbouring villages of East and West Coker.

Od Arts Festival launches the Open Call for Artist for the 2020 edition. The next festival takes the theme of Alone With Everybody. They are interested in proposals that address aloneness from a range of perspectives: from the problems and possibilities of rural isolation or the increase of loneliness among the young and the old, to the rise of isolationist policies on a global and national stage, and the seduction of social media filter bubbles.

They seek artists who are engaged with or would like to respond to the contradictions of aloneness in a world that appears socially-networked but physically disconnected.

The festival will provide a platform for the making and sharing of new or existing artwork in a rural location, offering artists time, space and resources to respond to the particular social and geographic context of the Cokers, and inviting the local community to collaborate as participants, hosts and friends.

Creative activities will happen throughout 2019 and 2020, culminating in three days of exhibitions, events, performances, screenings and participatory workshops over multiple venues and sites around the villages in May 2020.

They invite proposals for:
• Site-responsive, new commissioned projects
• Live art, performance and itinerant commissions
• Moving image works for screening

They offer selected artists a fee alongside curatorial and technical support.

Deadline: 23:59 GMT, Monday 12 August 2019.

For more information: https://osrprojects.co.uk/open-call-for-artists-for-od2020

View and download the full call out with details of the commissions, eligibility, and how to apply.