1.1 Definition
Cookies are small text files which websites send to their users’ computers, where they are stored in order to be retrieved and sent back on the occasion of further browsing of the same sites. Cookies have different purposes and features, and they can be used both by the Data Controller of the website browsed by the user, and by third parties. Cookies have been divided into categories according to their functions. The main ones are:
- Session or permanent cookies;
- Technical and profiling cookies;
- First-party or third-party cookies.
1.2 Session and permanent cookies
Cookies can expire at the end of a browser session (the time between the opening and closing of a browser window), or they can be stored for a longer time. Session cookies allow websites to connect their users’ actions during a browser session. Session cookies expire when the browser session ends. Permanent cookies are stored in the user’s hard drive among browser sessions for variable lengths of time, and memorize the user’s preferences or actions on a specific website.
1.3 Technical and profiling cookies
Technical cookies are used by the Data Controller of a website for the sole purpose of transmitting a communication on an electronic communications network, or as strictly necessary for sending information to the provider of a service when explicitly requested by the subscriber or user. Prior consent from the users is not required for the installation of such cookies, for the website’s manager shall use them directly; said cookies must however be mentioned in the Cookie Policy.
Profiling cookies are used to create user profiles and to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by users when browsing the web. Considering that such cookies may be rather privacy-invasive for users, European and Italian legislation have established that the latter must be adequately informed about their use through a short informative note (banner) and a more extensive one appearing on the website; users shall also be required to give their explicit consent to this extent the first time they browse the site. Such consent can be expressed in general by interacting with the banner on the home page of the website and following the instructions therein indicated, or it can be given or refused in a selective fashion by way of the following instructions. Such consent is then stored to be used over the next visits. However, users always have the possibility to totally or partially withdraw the consent they have already expressed.
1.4 First-party and third-party cookies
Cookies can be first-party (“first-party cookie”) or third-party (“third-party cookie”) in relation to the website or domain where they come from.
First-party cookies are set up by the Data Controller of the website. The Data Controller is responsible for providing information about them and requesting prior consent and/or the possible blocking of cookies.
Third-party cookies are set up by a different domain from the one visited by users. The third party involved is responsible for providing information about them and requesting prior consent and/or the possible blocking of cookies, whereas the Data Controller is only required to provide a link to the website of said third party on their own website.
2.1 Premise
FARE CULTURA CONTEMPORANEA APPLICATA, with legal address in 20821 Meda (MB), via Trento 68, C.F. and P. IVA 06263060961, REA MB-1906566, e-mail address info@artinresidence.it (hereon, “Data Controller”), provides users with all the necessary information about the cookies set up on www.artinresidence.it (hereon, “Website”) and indications for managing their own preferences on them.
2.2 First-party Cookies
The first-party cookies used by the Data Controller on the Website are only of technical nature and can be grouped into the following subcategories:
- browsing cookies, which allow to save browsing preferences and to optimize the User’s browsing experience;
- functionality cookies, which allow the user to activate specific functions of the Website and are necessary for the functioning and improvement of the service.
As specified in the previous paragraph, these cookies are technical and first-party, so they are installed and used with no need to request prior consent from Users; the delivery of this statement is enough for them to be deemed regular.
2.3 Third-party cookies
This website also uses third-party cookies. Some indications as to these cookies are listed below, together with the links to the privacy policies and consent forms of their respective third parties.
The first third-party cookie category present on this website is the analytic one, i.e., Google Analytics. After their identification capacity has been reduced, Google Analytics is used with the purpose of examining how users exploit the Website, and of improving its browsing. For further information about said cookies, we recommend you read Google’s own privacy policy at www.google.it/intl/it/policies/privacy, where users can be informed about the processing of data and express their consent about it. We specify that any information acquired by the above-mentioned cookies is anonymized before data is sent to the third party. In any case, said information does not allow to personally identify users.
The second cookie category makes it possibile to interact with social networks or other external platforms directly from the pages of the Website. The interactions and information acquired from the Website are anyway subject the User’s privacy settings in relation to each social network. In case a social network interaction service is installed, the latter may gather data about traffic on the pages on which it is installed, regardless of the users’ utilization of the service.
A list of cookies providing interaction with social networks follows:
Facebook Widget
These cookies make it possible to display the contents hosted by the Facebook external platform and to interact with them. To determine preferences on the use of such instruments, we recommend you read Facebook’s privacy policy at https://it-it.facebook.com/full_data_use_policy.
Twitter Widget
These cookies make it possible to display the contents hosted by the Twitter external platform and to interact with them. To determine preferences on the use of such instruments, we recommend you read Twitter’s privacy policy at https://twitter.com/privacy?lang=it.
LinkedIn Widget
These cookies make it possible to display the contents hosted by the LinkedIn external platform and to interact with them. To determine preferences on the use of such instruments, we recommend you read LinkedIn’s privacy policy at https://www.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy.
Tumblr Widget
These cookies make it possible to display the contents hosted by the Tumblr external platform and to interact with them. To determine preferences on the use of such instruments, we recommend you read Tumblr’s privacy policy at https://www.tumblr.com/policy/en/privacy.
YouTube Widget
These cookies make it possible to display the contents hosted by the YouTube external platform and to interact with them. To determine preferences on the use of such instruments, we recommend you read YouTube’s privacy policy at https://www.youtube.com/static?template=privacy_guidelines.
Vimeo Widget
These cookies make it possible to display the contents hosted by the Vimeo external platform and to interact with them. To determine preferences on the use of such instruments, we recommend you read Vimeo’s privacy policy at https://vimeo.com/privacy.
Instagram Widget
These cookies make it possible to display the contents hosted by the Instagram external platform and to interact with them. To determine preferences on the use of such instruments, we recommend you read Instagram’s privacy policy at https://help.instagram.com/155833707900388.
Flickr Widget
These cookies make it possible to display the contents hosted by the Flickr external platform and to interact with them. To determine preferences on the use of such instruments, we recommend you read Flickr’s privacy policy at https://policies.yahoo.com/us/en/yahoo/privacy/products/flickr/index.htm.
The Data Controller reminds you that, as regards third-party cookies, their only obligation is to request consent through a banner when Users start browsing the Website, and to provide the links to third-party websites within this Cookie Policy. The above-mentioned third parties, instead, are responsible for providing users with appropriate information about data processing and the possibility to block said cookies.
As regards the possibility to disable cookies by accessing the third parties’ privacy policies via link, in addition to the paragraph above, users can also manage their cookie preferences directly from their browser and thus prevent third parties from installing one or more of them. Moreover, browser preferences make it possible to erase cookies installed in the past, including the cookie that saves the consent to install other cookies from this Website. We remind you, however, that the disabling of all cookies could compromise the functioning of the Website. For further information on cookie managing and/or blocking in your browser, please see the following links:
Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=it;
Mozilla Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/it/kb/Gestione%20dei%20cookie;
Apple Safari: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH19214?locale=it_IT;
Microsoft Windows Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/it-it/windows-vista/block-or-allow-cookies.
This cookie policy was updated on November 2, 2017. Any further update will always appear on this page.