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25 February 2018

May 2018–May 2019

Application deadline: March 15, 2018

The residency programme at Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts (NAC) is open for emerging and experienced artists, designers, architects, curators and researchers. It provides the opportunity to live and work in the Colony’s contemporary architecture, situated in a coastal pine forest. Since 2011 over 350 artists and other culture professionals have stayed at the Colony.

The atmosphere and life intensity depends on the season and programme of the Colony. There are between 7 and 70 people staying at NAC at all times. For most of the year, from October through April, one enjoys solitude, occasionally accented by art professionals or students arriving to the Colony for workshops or other activities. In May, June and September you will have to share common spaces with art, architecture and design students and their professors. During July and August, Nida becomes a busy (albeit not overcrowded) resort.

Living and social conditions are provided to ensure a comfortable environment. Each of the five residency studios contains two floors with 65 square meters of total space, equipped with all necessary facilities. Professional workshops and support, well-equipped spaces, and an artistic community are present all year round. There are opportunities to present art works or to host a workshop at any time in the year.

Individual residencies
September 2018 – May 2019
Duration: One to four months (preferably two months), 40 places available;
Costs: No grants are currently available; selected candidates are issued a letter of support for individual grant seeking. Studio and living space rent for selected residents cost 400 EUR per month, including use of equipment, Wi-Fi, communal spaces and bicycles.

Nida Doctoral School (NDS) residencies for practice and theory based doctoral students
August–September, 2018
NDS participants are offered a possibility to position their own research and practice within a broader field of research approaches. It aims to open up the horizons for experimental development by intersecting with a diversity of disciplines and experiences. The goal of NDS is to provide time, space and a conceptual framework for participants to gain an insight into their field of research, as well as to broaden and diversify their outlook and methodological tools.
NDS summer course: Selected doctoral residents can join the intensive course on exposition of artistic research on 26 August – 2 September .
Tutors: Prof Dr Mika Elo, Dr Joanne Morra, Dr Michael Schwab, Prof Henk Slager.
Costs: The same conditions as for individual residencies apply, however selected doctoral residents are offered the summer course with no tuition fee as well as 5 ECTS credits.

1-year-long residency for Nordic-Baltic artist
September 2018 – August 2019
Artists are invited to submit a proposal to stay one year in the residency. This is a challenging invitation to root oneself within one place while other residents are changing every 1-2 months. Artist in exchange should contribute 25% of working time towards artistic reflection and the development of the residency programme.
Support: Studio costs and basic living expenses are covered.

EG-LT residency exchange between NAC and MASS Alexandria
Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts (NAC) invites artists from Egypt to apply for a two-month studio residency at NAC.
For Egyptian artists: September-October 2018 at NAC 
For Lithuanian artists: October-November 2018 at MASS Alexandria 
Duration: 2 months
Eligible applicants: Egyptian and Lithuanian artists based in their home countries.
Support: All costs are covered for selected artists.

More information and application guidelines for Egyptian artists
More information and application guidelines for Lithuanian artists 

Call for participants and production residencies for the 8th Inter-Format Symposium On Rites and Terrabytes
June 20–24, 2018

Curators: Andrew Gryf Paterson (SCO/FI/LV), Vytautas Michelkevičius (LT), Jurij Dobriakov (LT), Jogintė Bučinskaitė (LT)

The symposium with the Inter-PAGAN network brings together around 50 visual and sound artists, cultural practitioners, researchers and theorists who critically revive, reinvent, question, and facilitate traditional knowledges, practices and beliefs, (post-)folk culture, as well as notions of indigeneity and localism within the field of contemporary art and culture.
‘Rites and Terrabytes’ refers to the peculiar situation where we increasingly feel or desire a connection with the rituals and practices of old, despite living in a profoundly mediated ‘post-contemporary’ world. In other words, to reconcile the imagined universes of archaic rites and the ubiquitous terabytes of digital information, we need some firm rooting and grounding (terra). Full concept & application details.
Support: Selected participants receive limited travel support, accommodation and catering.
Production residencies (May-June 2018) for contributors to the symposium are available. All costs are covered for selected artists.

Actual Call here

Please follow the application guidelines.