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CAS:Air Open Call 2019

24 July 2019




CAS wishes to appoint an artist in residence for three months from September to December 2019 to work with two community groups in the Andover area, in collaboration with Andover library and the Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium. There will be points in the project to share knowledge and skills with the wider Andover community, celebrate participants work through an Andover based CAS exhibition and ultimately create a work to go on display in the Winchester Science Centre, an organisation that engages more people than any either UK science organisation outside London. The artist will be based at the CAS project space, Chapel Arts Studios where there will be personal studio space and access to a wide variety of resources and equipment.

During this residency the artist will work with the two community groups to explore themes related to the unknown future and our connection not only on a macro level with the vast expanses of our universe but also on a micro level with subatomic particles, and the infinitely complex universe of our own bodies, creating work which not only communicates learning gathered over the course of the residency in connection with the Winchester Science Centre, but also how these themes resonate with local lives.

The artist will have experience of working with participants, ideally of all ages  but particularly young people. They can work in any media but must include some practical drawing or making within the residency at some stage. Although they do not necessarily need to be a digital artist, an awareness of digital possibilities is an advantage due to the technology available at the Winchester Science Centre and planetarium. The final artwork for display will need to communicate in some way some of the knowledge gained over the project to the general public visiting the centre. The artist will need to have their own *public liability insurance and *DBS certificate.

The residency will begin provisionally on 16th September and complete on 7th December 2019.

The artist will receive £7,000 pounds in total for the residency, including evaluation.
£2000 is available for materials and installation of the final artwork.

Time frame:
Deadline for application: 31st July
Shortlist announced: 5th August
Interview dates: 14th / 15th August
Decision announced: 18th August 2019

Click here for more information and to know how to apply.